
World Missions

The mission of the church that meets at Northside is to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded us.

Northside has been actively involved in missions in foreign countries since the early 1990’s.  This work has primarily been done in Central America in the countries of Panama and Honduras.  Since 1995 Northside’s efforts have been focused on the people of the Intibucá Department of Honduras.  We have conducted various campaigns each summer that have included medical, benevolence, building and evangelistic efforts.

In 2007, Rusty McMillan,  a member of the Northside congregation, moved to the town of Yamaranguila in Intibucá, Honduras to work full time with the congregations of the Lord’s church that Northside has been instrumental in establishing and helping since the inception of this work.  Rusty works with one local preacher, Edgar Garay, who is supported by Northside.  In addition, Rusty works with Carlos Hernandez, a local preacher in the city of La Esperanza, Honduras.  Several of the congregations of the Lord’s church located near Northside (Ridgeway, Bass, Mt. Judea and Jasper) have worked together to provide financial support for Carlos as well as to provide for the physical needs of some of the brothers and sisters in the congregations with which we work as well as helping to support the work in Honduras in a variety of ways.

Rusty and Edgar minister to six congregations with each of them preaching at two congregations each Lord’s Day as well holding Bible classes during the week.

More than 75 of Northside’s members have participated in these campaigns since this work began.